mixing machine [ 04.04.03, 2:40 p.m. ]

keirnan and i got into our eventual discussion about the war, last night.

he is pretty passionately pro-war for the purpose of irradicating the saddam regime. and i am anti-war because i feel in general war solves nothing..especially when it is as ambiguous as this one's cause and effects, history of foreign policy, etc.

it actually didn't turn out as bad as i'd thought it might. even though we are both sticking to our beliefs, i guess it was more that we each allowed the other to air our ideas and our arguments without interruption nor cutting remarks. we congratulated each other about it afterwards; it just felt good to be able to talk like normal adults and to feel respected even though our views differ. especially on a subject of this weight.

yes, we are that dysfunctional..heh. or to put a more positive spin on it: we are learning, finally. it's no damn fun to sit through a lesson twice, let alone millions of times.

today i was going to go march and publicly display my beliefs, but just like last weekend, something else had to happen, though this time i was slightly undecided because i haven't quite worked through another aspect of this war thing in my mind. that being the soldier's families and the soldiers themselves.

their sacrifice is huge regardless of politics..so is my right to protest this war in such a public way disrespecting those fighting? disrespecting those who have died, those who worry about loved ones dying and those already experiencing the heart rending loss? i don't know.

more puzzling out to do.

< written up - sweet shopping >

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