iris [ 09.11.03, 12:11 a.m. ]

i watched this movie called iris the other was one of those gems i hadn't noticed or worse had noticed buy misjudged.

spoilers ahead

a very interesting movie because it is a real story and the situation presented is awesome in scale, really. memories, words, thought, alzheimers. wow. it's the effect of a punch in the stomach but delivered as sips from a glass of wine.

i completely enjoyed this movie! it didn't hurt that i was nodding and agreeing with everything dame iris murdoch presented in little clips of lectures, but that wasn't it all together. mostly it was the love story and it was the fear of maddness, the fear of losing the ability to express oneself, to know things and enjoy them just for knowing about them.

i so wanted to read some of her non-fiction work first -she was a novelist- but my library has absolutely nothing of hers at all..not even through the lending program which involves thirty-something different libraries.

i decided to order, the soveriegnty of good from i am now looking at my copy only two days later..i can't believe it got here so fast and i seriously can't wait to start reading.

however, i've been a busy bee taking pictures, resizing and cropping them for the friday photo thing i'm not sure if i've ever mentioned here. it will be something i'm going to do through my blog and i know i've mentioned it there. anyway, this friday photo thing is to follow a prompt given every friday..take a picture which speaks to that prompt, upload it and post the url to the friday photo site..much like any other type of journal prompt, only using pictures instead of words.

being the nutty perfectionist that i am, i'm doing all the prompts that came to my inbox from the time i signed up till now....which, if i try hard enough that is, will put permanently behind.

< color my world - september eleventh >

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