Old Addage [ 10.08.04, 1:16 a.m. ]

so, some shit happened to hit the fan over the last few days..concerning crap i'd rather not get into because it has to do with keirnan and really it's not fair to write about his failings..especially if i were to write from my bias.

suffice it to say, he hurt my feelings quite badly and i had a mild flip-out session..nothing major, however, i did sleep the night on the couch and spend the entire next day in a light fog, having told him i had nothing to say to him.

he called me again, anyway, later tonight and we got things solved...as much as they can be solved at the moment.

we're back in counseling..and since it is a new counselor, the past shit with my mother is at the forefront and so i am going to be meeting with mr. w by myself for the next little while so he knows where to go with me and therefore us.

he said i was interesting. LOL. i told him i can't believe i'm not over this pain yet, seeing as i've been really trying to work on it these last two years. at least you can't call me a true pessimist!

we have fish. three little tropical fish..i'll have to post a picture of them.

i have decided i want shelves in my living room, but i haven't quite committed yet, so i put up paper ones instead. my son, k, is going to cut out paper books and vases and other decorative stuff to put on them...hee.

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