mix and match [ 06.05.03, 12:26 a.m. ]

i was so totally slothful today..and yesterday. though yesterday i had a valid excuse. it seems as though my nerves above my c-section scar (just below skin) are coming alive on me, again.

it's been three years since last c-section (three in total) and i wonder at the wisdom of nerves healing once more..all funky-like to boot..this far in the game. however, if it doesn't let up soon, i'm going to have to see the doctor about this as well.

at the moment i am dying my hair. once again. this time i am using my idea prepackaged, dark brown dye followed by redish/blondish highlights. this is something that weighs heavily on my conscience because i am using a l'oreal product, a company that thinks nothing of animal testing. i guess it doesn't weigh heavily enough because i am still going ahead with it, (can't stand henna, i mean i can't STAND it) but this is why i have left dying it till now..two inches of silver tinged natural hair later. nothing makes you face the reality of age than the damnable youth-upkeep of hair, skin and body.

i will be ever so grateful when i drop the hair upkeep thing. i think i'll just go in for wigs.

my mother surprised me by revealing that my dad had bought her a few wigs in their earlier days as man and wife. woah.

i was watching dr. phil today. the show was all about "the other woman" and i happened to catch the part where the good doctor made a plea to all married women to take stalk of themselves and how they present themselves to their men, especially in the morning as these gallant lads head off to work knowing full well they will have to deal with temptation. curlers or bed hair. rumpled cotton nightgowns. etc. these ..what lapses?.. ought to be discarded in favor of a little "upkeep", i suppose.

well, then. a note to men. don't fart in bed and blame laughing spiders. wash your mouth out with scope before the kiss good morning. and above all, don't be fucking caught dead scratching your damn balls.

these are things i experience from my man, but the note is completely customizable. this advice incensed me because men and women in long term relationships get comfortable with each other. there are other aspects of life to consider and while sexual gratification shouldn't sit on the back burner, nor can it be as prominent as it once was when there are children and careers and other fulfilling things to nurture. curlers and morning breath are real life. if i can stand to kiss my husband without the scope, then he sure as all hell will stand my bed-hair and still think of me as sexy. marriage is compromise and a healthy dose of reality.

< pricking, sticking, stung - small prayers >

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